So, you have decided to make the vaccine mandatory for your employees. What do you do now?
You as an employer must try to accommodate employees who have a medical condition or religious objection to the vaccine. You can start by having them fill out a form requesting the accommodation and for what reason.
If it is due to medical reasons, you as the employer may ask for documentation from their doctor. If you accept the medical exemptions document, why? Also, make it clear to the employee what the accommodation will be. Here are some things you should decide prior to drafting a policy before employees start asking about the exemption:
- Will the accommodation be wearing a mask and getting weekly testing?
- Who will pay for the test?
- How will you decide who gets accommodation and who does not?
Employers may want to look at contacting a health professional to get some guidance. It is always a good idea to contact your attorney and review these steps with him or her to make sure everyone is on the same page.
If you do not honor medical exemptions, then the next step for the employee is to file with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Revolution Law Group is located in Greensboro, NC, and serves individuals and small businesses throughout the Triad and surrounding areas. To contact us please visit or call 336-333-7907.
The information included here is for informational purposes only, is not exhaustive of all considerations when creating documents, is not intended to be legal advice, and should not be relied upon for that purpose. We strongly recommend you consult with an attorney and do not attempt to create your own documents.