Where do you go if you have Medicare-related questions?
Many of us in the real world must keep abreast of changes in billing systems, and Medicare is one of the primary payers for many practices.
A great place to get information is through Medicare Manuals. These are filled with policies and procedures on administering the Medicare program. They provide the interpretation of the Medicare “statutes, regulations, guidelines, models and directives.”
MAC websites are another source. These are private healthcare insurers that have been awarded contracts to process claims. There is usually a wealth of information on these websites that can answer many questions quickly.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website can also help with information on particular coverage questions. There is usually a short overview, which may shed light on a specific issue.
Last but not least, you can check the actual statutes or regulations. A good place to start is Title XVII of the Social Security Act and 42 C.F.R. Parts 400-424 and 482-494. These are the laws that cover Medicare and state what the law really is.
These are just a few resources to assist with answering your Medicare questions.
Revolution Law Group is located in Greensboro, NC, and serves individuals and small businesses throughout the Triad and surrounding areas. To contact us please visit Revolution.law or call 336-333-7907.
The information included here is for informational purposes only, is not exhaustive of all considerations when creating documents, is not intended to be legal advice, and should not be relied upon for that purpose. We strongly recommend you consult with an attorney and do not attempt to create your own documents.