In North Carolina, you may have the option to renew your physician’s license in an expedited process. As you probably know, the normal process for renewal can take a little time. Having the option to quickly renew should be of interest to you. You lead a very busy life, and the last thing you need to do is spend your valuable time on license renewal.
The North Carolina Medical Board explains that you can only use the expedited licensing process if you meet four requirements:
- You must have a clean license application. This means you do not have anything that could mean a denial of your renewal, such as a criminal conviction or a professional issue.
- Your license must have been active and unrestricted for the past five years.
- You must have been actively working with patients offering care for an average of 20 hours per week within the previous two years.
- You need to have board certification by a specialty board within the past 10 years.
It is important that you meet all four requirements. Otherwise, you cannot use the expedited process. The board will notify you if it receives your application and you do not meet requirements. You will also get your fee refunded. However, applying for the expedited process when you do not qualify can put you behind schedule for your renewal, so it is a good idea to make sure you can use the process before taking the time to submit an expedited application.
This information is for educational purposes and is not legal advice.